Permian Basin
1 of 1Permian Basin
Area: West Texas
Located across more than 86,000 square miles in the southwestern U.S., the Permian Basin offers one of the largest natural gas and oil fields in the country. This play is found across southeast New Mexico and west Texas, starting just south of Lubbock, reaching past Midland, Odessa, San Angelo, and Carlsbad, and stretching almost to the Rio Grande River in the south. It represents one of the thickest rock formations from the Permian period, which led to its name. Several smaller basins are found within the play, including the Midland Basin, the largest; the Delaware Basin; and the Marfa Basin, the smallest. The Permian Basin contains over 20 of the top oil fields in the country.
In 1920, the first oil reserves in the play were discovered and recorded in west Texas. They opened the first well in 1921 and have continued drilling in the basin ever since. Over the next decade, several more oil fields were discovered through random drilling. When the need for oil grew during World War II, they began deep drilling, discovering rich oil reservoirs throughout the area. Petroleum production also began in the play during the 1950s. Today, the Permian Basin is known for its production of natural gas, petroleum, and potassium, which is mined in a salt form known as potash. The play provides 7% of dry natural gas and 20% of crude oil resources in the U.S., producing more than 30 billion barrels of oil and 118 trillion cubic feet of natural gas since its discovery. Its rich reserves have also contributed to many of the techniques and technologies that continue to support oil and gas production around the world.
Our Services
Our services span across the entire right of way land acquisition experience and include project management, easement negotiation and acquisition, title research, due diligence and curative, permitting, condemnation support, relocation, survey and database coordination, document preparation and construction support.
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